PROPHECIES in the Bible can be very remarkable for those who chose to examine them. For example, Israel’s restoration to their homeland prophecy involving the great conqueror, King Cyrus of Persia. God, through the prophet Isaiah, predicted over 150 years before Cyrus was even born, that Cyrus would be instrumental in rebuilding Jerusalem. (Isa. 44:28, 45:1-6) He would make it possible for the exiled Jewish people to return to their homeland from their Babylonian captivity. (2 Chron. 36:20-23) Thus, before King Cyrus was even born and rose to power, he was prophesied by name to give the exiled Jews permission to return to their homeland. See also Ezra 1:1-4, 3:7, and 4:3.
The Prophet Daniel prophesied “there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation,” plus there would be a remarkable increase of knowledge and people traveling “to and fro” in the “time of the end.” During this time, Israel would, after 26 centuries, be returned to their promised land. Daniel prophesy describes today—Daniel 12:1-4!
The word prophecy in the New Testament translated from the Greek word “propheseia” which means “prediction”. The Bible is full of predictions, like those stated above and in other places like the book of Revelation. Fulfilled predictions of Scripture help to confirm the testimony of God’s written word as true and accurate. It strengthens the faith and convictions of a true Christian. If we study the scriptures accurately, we can get a “fix” on the prophetic timeline – and have not only a better understanding of where we ARE on that timeline, but we can make better choices in how we think and act accordingly. Find out more about fulfilled prophecies and the Bible’s predictions of a better day ahead for the human race – a “golden age of prophecy” – by ordering Studies in the Scriptures.
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