As the graphic above shows, God has a plan of salvation that encompasses all mankind. This plan was formed before the creation of the first man, Adam. In this plan, God anticipated Lucifer’s fall and his subsequent beguilement of Eve and Adam’s resulting disobedience because “I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done.” (Isa. 46:9-10) He allowed these events to take place to teach all his intelligent creation (angels and mankind) the results of sin.God also provided a way of recovery of both the angels and mankind. Paul writes “so that might be made known now to the governments and to the authorities in the heavenlies, through the congregation, the manifold wisdom of the God; according to a plan of the ages, which he formed in Anointed Jesus the Lord of us.” (Eph. 3:10-11 Emphatic Diaglott) This salvation was provided through the sacrifice, resurrection and kingdom of His dear son, our Lord Christ Jesus.
We encourage you to consider the various components of this plan of salvation through the subsequent pages of this portion of our website. Click on the links below or from the Plan of God drop-down menu to access these pages
Overall Plan | Creation |
Fall of Man | Ages and Dispensations |
The World That Was | Present Evil World |
Patriarchal Age | Jewish Age |
Gospel Age | World to Come |
Millennial Age |
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