
Job’s life was one of integrity, sincerity and consistency. He reverenced God and worshiped Him. God blessed him with a large family, many possessions and the esteem of friends.

Suddenly, disaster came upon him. He lost his children, wealth, influence and his health. He sought an explanation as to why God should permit such calamities to come upon him. Still, he trusted in God, saying, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him!”—Job 13:15

Job’s character was being tested and refined. Likewise, every Christian will go through trials to test their character. In James 5:11, we read, “You have heard of the endurance of Job and have seen the outcome of the Lord’s dealings.” (New American Standard) The Lord desires to develop patient endurance in His people.

If we have difficulties, persecutions or troubles of any kind, we should look to God. We should say: This thing could not happen to me unless the Lord permitted it. We have come under special Divine care. God has promised that all things shall work together for good to us who are His children. (Rom. 8:28) The lesson of trust is one of those difficult lessons for us to learn and apply. We must come to realize that all of life’s experiences are under Divine supervision. Nothing can happen to us but what ultimately is for our highest, eternal good.

The Lord’s people have such a peace and rest of mind through the knowledge of God’s Plan. The knowledge of His Justice, Mercy and Love, and a blessed realization that He is our God give us peace, quiet and rest of mind. While the people in the world today are more or less troubled, God’s children have a peace that the world cannot comprehend. (Phil. 4:7) It is a peace that the world can neither give nor take away. When our trials are over, the Lord will make up for all the troubles of the present life. Then, we shall look back on these trials and consider them but light afflictions, only for a moment. —2 Cor. 4:1

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