After many long years of slavery, the time had come for God to deliver His people from Egyptian bondage. The nine plagues on Pharaoh and his people had just about destroyed their economy, resulting in the sufferings that accompany natural disasters. These disasters were from God and not natural. He brought them on the Egyptians to effect Israel’s deliverance. They had their intended effect, but one more plague was necessary to release the Israelites—the death of the firstborn sons of Pharaoh and his people.
However, the Israelite’s firstborn would be passed over and escape the death-angel’s slaughter if their families took a lamb, slew it, sprinkled its blood on the doorposts and lintels of their houses, remained in the house during that night, and ate the lamb roasted while fully dressed and ready to leave Egypt. (Exodus 12) The event of this night was called the Lord’s Passover, verse 11.
Christ Jesus is pictured in the Passover lamb and the blood that was sprinkled that night. Still, the Israelites had to flee Egypt the next morning, and while reaching the Red Sea, Pharaoh had a change of heart and overtook them with an army of chariots. Nevertheless, God separated the two with a dark cloud until Moses had led the people on dry land through the Red Sea. Once the cloud lifted, the Egyptians pursued the Israelites using the open path through the sea, at which point God brought the walls of water back together drowning the Egyptian army and giving the Israelites full deliverance from Egyptian bondage. (Exodus 14)
Moses illustrated Christ Jesus who delivers all who follow him from the slavery of sin and death to freedom and life. Moses wrote that God would raise up a prophet like unto himself and that the people would be required to heed his commands in all things in order to live forever. (Deut. 18:18, 19) It was through Israel that the Messiah would come. God was making wonderful pictures of His future deliverance of all mankind in His dealings with His typical people Israel.
Image Copyright: vlastas / 123RF Stock Photo
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